Grand Tour of Catalonia

A journey full of journeys

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Catalunya Grand Tour

What is Grand Tour de Catalunya?

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5 sections

30 stages

The Grand Tour is an itinerary that has 5 different sections and it can be done completely in 13 days. As we mentioned, it has 5 sections, which are also divided into stages.

The sections are:

Section 1: Barcelona – Tarragona (6 stages)

Vineyards with a taste of the sea

Section 2: Tarragona – Lleida (7 stages)

In search of history

Section 3: Lleida – La Seu (5 stages)

Very close to the heavens

Section 4: La Seu – Figueres (5 stages)

Ode to nature

Section 5: Figueres – Barcelona (7 stages)

From surrealism to modernism

The target that surrounds the route created with the principal aim of knowing landscape, gastronomy and traditions from Catalonia is a tourist interested in culture and upper-middle class . Normally, they travel with their own vehicle, which allows them to have more freedom during their trip and also allows us to personalize it as much as possible.

One of the more relevant aspects of the travelers is that they have trips from 5 to 7 days long.

Although it is true that the tourism markets change and are completely dynamic, there is an established trend based on eco-friendly tourism and the sustainability of the activities that are made.

Now, the tourists prefer to enjoy an experience rather than just enjoying an itinerary, they look forward to taking part of the experience and living together with the locals.

Finally, one of the principal attractions from our territory is the coast and the sun and sand tourism, which we will continue keeping in mind, to be able to introduce the nautic category and create combinations that allows us to show the diversity of touristic activities that our territory has.

Because "life is small moments" from Turismon Travel we seek to create unique and exclusive experiences in the supply of everything, based on the routes of the Grand Tour of Catalonia.

From Turismon Travel we look for the creation of touristic products and/or itineraries based on the routes or stages already created, and try to coordinate all this with the activities that we offer in our travel agency,, without forgetting the sustainability. All these ideas must be innovate and creative and based on the following categories:

Turismon Enoturisme


Turismon Cultural


Turismon Sailing/Nàutic


Turismon Rural


Due to our public, it will be interesting try to create or search “exclusive” activities with good price, in order to offer a different experience for all, as for example, see the sunrise in a little sailing boat with views to the castle and the lighthouse from Tossa de Mar with the breakfast included. You create a moment, and a unique feeling, because “life is made by little moments”

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