Les Musiques de l`Île Chypre
Alia Vox Diversa
This program brings together the most beautiful songs and dances from the ancient Cypriot traditions, a rediscovery of forgotten repertoires performed by singers and instrumentalists of the island, along with musicians from Greece and Turkey, all selected and directed by Dimitri Psonis. Music that has been maintained through ancient oral traditions, displaying the rich diversity of this ancient culture through a lively recreation that is faithful to both the traditions and modernity of the island.
This miracle is possible due to artists who, with their exhaustive knowledge of these traditions which have been transmitted from generation to generation, give new life to these songs of love, unsettling lullabies and dances full of enthusiasm and vitality. Thus we are going to experience the deep and mysterious link between history, art and life.
The Music of Cyprus
As editor of ALIA VOX DIVERSA, the new collection created 5 years ago to provide a platform for the independent productions of the best musicians who for many years have collaborated on the concert and recording productions of our ensembles Hespèrion XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert des Nations, I am very pleased to release and present Dimitri Psonis’s new album SYNERGIA.
This CD contains music from Cyprus chosen and prepared by Dimitri Psonis, one of our staunchest collaborators for more than 25 years. This magnificent and illuminating programme of music, which brings together the loveliest songs and dances from the ancient Cypriot traditions, is performed by singers and instrumentalists from the island, as well as Greece and Turkey, all selected and directed by Dimitri Psonis.
Bellaterra, 1st June, 2020
+ informazioni nel libretto del CD
The musics have created truly synergistic currents that give this music warmth and charisma, and thus allow the climate of the eastern Mediterranean to reach and charm our ears.
PIZZICATO. 17/09/20.Uwe Krusch
Como si emprendiéramos un viaje en el tiempo, de la antigüedad hasta hoy, un círculo que se cierra al recuperarlas del ayer para hacerlas contemporáneas. Pero no sólo, el título elegido quiere llamar la atención sobre la complicidad que ha existido entre ellos y que han llegado a registrar músicas cargadas de historia, y que ellos saben recuperar y transmitir la emoción.
LOS SONIDOS DEL PLANETA AZUL. 10 mayo 2021.Paco Valiente
So obvious is the synergy between the Turkish and the Greek in that they feature both solo singers, Katerina Papadopoulou and Eda Karaytug, but throughout one is conscious of the vital energy and sheer beauty of these two traditions. The rich, resonant voices of Papadopoulou and Karaytug are not only mesmerising in themselves but complement each other in the most extraordinary, intimate way. And the instrumentalists are not only masters of their own traditions but masters of collaboration.
GRAMOPHONE. 01/21.Ivan Moody
El grup que dirigeix està format per músics d’una gran creativitat [...] El disc aplega un recull variat que inclou cançons de bressol, cançons d’amor, peces per a cerimònies i cançons populars, i ens revela repertoris oblidats de tradicions orals molt antigues transmeses de generació en generació. Synergia és un disc per escoltar en silenci, en la nostra soledat.
SONOGRAMA MAGAZINE. 29 desembre 2020.Núria Serra
Psonis tria i interpreta cançons i danses originàries de l'illa de Xipre. I ho fa acompanyat d'un conjunt de músics de categoria. L'àlbum, que va gravar-se a Atenes l'hivern de 2019, es titula amb una paraula grega que va passar també a les llengües llatines, Sinergia, i que remet precisament a la cooperació i la unió entre tots aquests músics.
ENDERROCK. Sons de la Mediterrània. 26/08/20