Dialogue des âmes
Hespèrion XXI, Jordi Savall
CD1: 42’50
CD2: 46’52
Dialogue des âmes · Diálogo de almas
Dialogue of souls
Dialogue des âmes · Diálogo de almas
Dialogue of souls
1. Sadher Lau Banailo More Boiragi – chant traditionnel de Bangladesh 5’13
Azmari Nirjhar
2. La rosa enflorece – chant traditionnel séfarade 3’24
Rebal Alkhodari et tous
3. Mîrkut – chant de tradition kurde 3’40
Rusan Filiztek
4. Ya Ghazaly – chant traditionnel (Muwashshah) de Syrie 4’00
Abo Gabi et tous
5. Canarios – Michael Praetorius, Terpsichore, 1612 4’16
6. Şeferdîn– chant religieux yézidi de tradition kurde 4’06
Rusan Filiztek
7. Al-bint el shalabiyya – chant traditionnel d’Irak 3’09
Rebal Alkhodari
8. Longa Riad (Farah Faza) – instrumental arabe (Riad Sombati, 1906-1981) 3’11
9. Yâ habîbî – chant traditionnel d’Alep, Syrie 4’30
Meriem Moubine
10. ‘Al maya, ‘Al maya – chant traditionnel de Syrie 7’19
Rebal Alkhodari et tous
1. El Rey Nimrod – instrumental, traditionnel sépharade d’Israël 2’31
2. Sabiha – chant traditionnel du nord de la Syrie 9’19
Ibrahim Keivo
3. As for tall – chant du Liban (Marcel Khalife, 1950) 5’14
Yacine Karboa
4. Lamounî – chant traditionnel du Maroc et de Tunisie 3’50
Imad Amrah
5. Laïli Djân – chant traditionnel d’Afghanistan 3’33
Azmari Nirjhar et Rebal Alkhodari
6. Hal Asmar – chant traditionnel de Syrie 5’07
Abo Gabi
7. Ya Mariam el bekr – chant à la Vierge de Syrie 3’15
Waed Bouhassoun
8. Kevok – danse et chant de tradition kurde 6’27
Ruşan Filiztek et Ibrahim Keivo
9. Apo xeno meros – chant traditionnel de Grèce 6’23
Üsküdar – chant traditionnel d’Istanbul
Improvisation – Bangladesh
Azmari Nirjhar
Ghazali tal jàhri – instrumental, traditionnel du Maroc
Tous les musiciens ensemble
10. ‘Al maya, ‘Al maya – chant traditionnel de Syrie (bis) 3’10
Rebal Alkhodari et tous
Music of solidarity against oblivion
[Orpheus 21: Paths of Exile and Hope]
The expression “Ex Oriente Lux”, which inspires our title ORIENTE LUX, refers first of all to the light which always dawns in the East, but it also refers to the spiritual light emanating from the ideas and the cultural and spiritual traditions of the ancient civilisations of the Near and Far East. That is why the fundamental contributions of the oral traditions of Eastern music to the development of our medieval musical traditions and in dialogue with them, have inspired the Orpheus 21 project.
This project, which was born as a social and cultural initiative to support refugee and immigrant professional musicians in Europe, took place throughout 2017 and 2018 thanks to the essential collaboration of Waed Bouhassoun and Moslem Rahal, two exceptional Syrian musicians. Together with them we have created an original programme, presented in this live recording the symbolic theme of “Paths of exile and hope”. A group of magnificent musicians from Syria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Morocco and Turkey came together in the development of this project. With the collaboration and supervision of soloists from Hespèrion XXI, as well as the Syrian musicians Waed Bouhassoun and Moslem Rahal, and myself, the Orpheus 21 team carried out a remarkable pedagogical and artistic project centred on young refugee musicians hosted in various towns and cities in Europe, with the aim of giving a voice to this diversity of age-old musical legacies which are preserved in the memory of all these extraordinary musicians. Let us not forget that many of them, who today are forced to become refugees or immigrants in our excessively fearful and ungenerous Europe, are the bearers of an unwritten memory, of a rich musical culture which is on the brink of disappearing. Because this culture comes from regions which for many years have been devastated by terrible wars, by blind terror or savage colonialism.
+ information in the CD booklet
Smyrna, 15th April, 2023
Translated by Jacqueline Minett
What a great, musical, generous and humanitarian project! Jordi Savall continues his exploration of Eastern music and that of the Mediterranean together with the instrumental and vocal ensemble he founded, Orpheus 21, which brings together musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds.
PIZZICATO, 22/08/2023. Norbert Tischer
"Entusiasta, acertado, exótico, emocionante, conmovedor. "
LE DEVOIR. Christophe Huss. 18 août 2023
"The result is an exquisite auditory tapestry that transcends geographical boundaries, summoning forth a veritable feast of sounds, melodies, and harmonies that encapsulate the rich heritage of these vibrant cultures. "
WORLD MUSIC CENTRAL. Angel Romero. 07/2023
"La dirección de Savall es atenta e ingeniosa y con un excelente dominio de la viola de arco y lira. Escuchando estas músicas nos trasladamos a las sonoridades de los países de Oriente, pero con el sello mediterráneo que imprime Savall."
MELOMANO. Disco recomendado. Àngel Villagrassa Pérez. Noviembre 2023
"Dix ans après un premier album inspiré par un « dialogue inter-culturel et spirituel » en réaction à la Guerre d’Afghanistan – « Orient-Occident, Hommage au peuple syrien » (même éditeur) –, Jordi Savall pérennise son soutien en faveur de musiciens réfugiés et immigrés, dépositaires d’une tradition, avec le projet Orpheus 21. "
MUSIKZEN. Frank Mallet. 21 décembre 2023
"Um trabalho que traduz o entendimento de Jordi Savall ao longo da sua já longa carreira e centenas de discos gravados: ver a música como expressão estética que implica uma ética."
7 MARGENS. António Marujo. Fevereiro 2024