Discover the musical essence of the past and the present with Alia Vox! Our record label presents two unique collections: Alia Vox Heritage and Alia Vox Diversa.
Alia Vox Heritage
The Heritage collection, launched by Alia Vox in 2007 with the re-release of Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine (AVSA9855), aims to offer a fresh vision of the recordings that Jordi Savall, Montserrat Figueras and their ensembles Hespèrion XX, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert des Nations made under the Astrée label between 1977 and 1996. This unique discographic legacy of almost 70 albums, which include the most emblematic recordings of the early music renaissance, will be systematically remastered and edited with the meticulous care that has been Alia Vox’s hallmark since the label was founded in 1998. Both past and present productions featuring the Alia Vox artists’ performances will thus be available under a single banner, allowing listeners to measure the breadth and continuity of their work over more than thirty years.
Alia Vox Diversa
Eighteen years and more than one hundred CDs later, we are delighted to announce a new collection – ALIA VOX DIVERSA. It will feature recordings not previously released by talented musicians and ensembles who have been chosen and selected for their musical interest and merit, the importance of their repertoire and the originality of the programmes proposed. This launch marks a major departure, allowing us to discover on a regular basis original and hitherto unrecorded proposals from musicians who have worked with us on numerous projects over a long period and who have innovative and interesting programmes of their own to offer which are characterised by rigorous performances steeped in emotion and creativity.